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The perceived presence of a person plays a crucial role in the social organization of communities. In a street, in a village, in a school, in a hospital, at work, we see a person pass by and understand all kinds of things about this person. We realize whether this person looks healthy and stable, kind or threatening, whether he is moving faster or slower than we do, whether the person is anticipating our own behaviour. In our peripheral perception we see a lot of people doing numerous things simultaneously and we take this information into consideration in enacting our being, in orchestrating our own presence. When thinking about the design of presence in which technology plays a crucial role, this layer of perception of others, and orchestrating one's own presence, requires attention.

  • description, concept

    People I know and people I do not know

    Caroline Nevejan –

    Among the crowds that characterize the many urban environments we distinguish 'the mass' and 'people we know'. We perceive the presence ...

  • description, proposal, theory

    I and Thou, You and not-You

    Caroline Nevejan –

    In this section I want to argue that the way we are witnessed and witness other people, deeply influences the perception of our ...

  • proposal, argument, theory

    Not-You is information (biased or not)

    Caroline Nevejan –

    I can be with my lover, leave the house and pass a 'bump' and not even notice this person. Where did all my love go? When I am alone in ...

  • description, methodology, theory

    Civil and Criminal law

    Caroline Nevejan –

    All societies, even all groups, invent rules by which they channel the behaviour of their individual components. Behaviour is noticed by ...

  • proposal, argument

    The 'other' changes shape

    Caroline Nevejan –

    I become more aware of my presence in the world because I notice that another person perceives my presence. In the light of this study ...

  • description, argument, collective history, general history

    Human Rights and the Internet

    Caroline Nevejan –

    “The 20th century will be known both for its commitment to human rights and for the ongoing struggle to ensure that these rights are ...